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Did You Know That Kiefer Family Dental Offers Veneers

Some of the patients that come to Kiefer Family Dental in Evansville, Indiana, are here for the cosmetic dentistry. Some need cleanings, and some need fillings. Under our cosmetic dentistry umbrella are ZOOM whitening, aesthetic crowns, and veneers. All three serve a different purpose in what they do for your oral situation. In this blog, we will focus on veneers.

If you are looking to improve your smile, dental veneers are a very simple option. Veneers are thin coverings that are placed over the front (visible) part of the tooth. They strongly resemble natural teeth. Veneers are used to correct a wide range of dental issues.

Some of the most common issues include teeth that are stained and can’t be bleached or whitened. Other issues include chipped teeth, worn teeth, crooked teeth, and misshapen teeth. In many cases, veneers also help with uneven spaces and large gaps between upper front teeth.

Veneers are made of either porcelain or composite resin material. Kiefer Family Dental can help you choose the material that is best for you. Each type of veneer has its own benefits.

We at Kiefer Family Dental hope that this information about veneers and veneers as an option was helpful. Perhaps you learned something you didn’t know that was detrimental to your oral health. The office of Kiefer Family Dental provides the best in modern dentistry for individuals and families should you have any problems from the list.

Our highly-qualified dentists and gentle hygienists work hard to combine knowledge and skill with the latest in technology to give our patients the best possible dental outcomes. With services ranging from periodontal therapy, oral surgery. dental implants, dentures and even being set up for Invisalign clear braces, Kiefer Family Dental is your Evansville, Indiana A+ dental choice. Call (812) 424-9506 or use the website to book an appointment online.

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